1. This competition is open to Cardigan and Pembroke corgis from Land’s End to John O’Groats, from N. Ireland to the Channel Islands.
2. It is a purely private venture, so all communications to be addressed to:
Miss M. Wigan
Leckhampstead Thicket
Nr Newbury, Berkshire
RG20 8QW
Please enclose an S.A.E for reply.
3. The competition runs from 1 January to 31 December (starting 1 January 1999) and points must be sent in during the following January, no later.
4. Please arrange entries in columns: date, show, category classes, achievement, points claimed, and in your 1st year give full details of your dog (birth, parentage, etc).
5. In the event of a tie of points for the trophy, preference will be givnen to the dog with more points in a greater variety of categories.
If you have passed any of these before your 1st entry for this trophy, you may add the points in your 1st year. Thereafter you may continue to add the points each year for the highest test you have passed, as a holder. (eg Silver holder - 4pts)
For each normal jumping or agility class entered | 1 point |
For each clear round within the time | 1 point |
Special Classes
For each class entered | 1 point | |
Gamblers | for getting the gamble in time | 1 point |
Knockout | for 1st round if no faults | 1 point |
Knockout | for reaching last 4 dogs | 1 point |
Pairs or Teams | If the pair or team is in time, and your own round is faultless |
1 point |
T.F.O | for achieving at least one obstacle on 2nd circuit | 1 point |
Helter Skelter | no faults | 1 point |
Snooker | for full points in time | 1 point |
Note: 2 points are available for all classes, 3 points are available for Knockout
NB: qualifying for any semi-finals or finals brings its own reward, and no points can be gained at these as they are not open competition.
No points for entering, but
Your own clear round | 1 point |
For each class competed in (ALL excercises) | 1 point |
For a place in the top 6 at Open or Exemption shows | 1 point |
For a place in top 4 at within or between club matches, etc | 1 point |
For taking part in a demonstration day in Obedience or Agility | 2 points |
An official visit to a school or club | 2 points |
For entering the trial | 1 point |
For each section in which the qualifying mark is achieved | 1 point |
For each complete round | 1 point |
If it qualifies you | 1 point |
At an Agility Show where Junior classes are scheduled, you may count your points in EITHER the Junior classes OR the main classes, but NOT BOTH.